what are you thinking is appeal in your action
Today, I went to McDonald for breakfast.
It was long que-up line there, everybody just waiting for order and pay money.
During the time we were queing up, 1 couples came in and take away our place, this two stupids peoples just ignored the line.
Sucks, 1 more thing is they were wearing like shit and tasteless. From their face I can see they are lack of education and naive.
I believe that what your mind is thinking will appeal on your action and your face also.
Educated peoples will have different faces from the uneducated peoples.
Even the apparel you wearing also show your attitude.
Be careful while you order in McDonald. OK? hahahaha
kenji, as an educated man urself, why not u politely ask them to queue up behind the line? y u still let them cut the queue?
hey, If you are on my situation, I think you will not speak out also.
Because this is Japanese society, and if he cut in front of me, I will ask him to queue up.
But there were take over someone place.
Japan supposed to be a very civilize country. But how come this thing still happen?
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