my dream

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Kuala Lumpur

躍動する都市クアラ・ルンプールこの地を行けば、急速なスピードで発展を続けるマレーシアの熱気が伝わってくる。歴史に彩られた独立広場を取り囲む景観も、日々刻々と変わって行く『二〇二〇年には先進国入りを果たそう…』人々は今、この言葉をスローガンに、その想いを未来に託すSF小説を想わせる高層建築へと次々に姿を変えて行く街角で、少年は輝く塔の下、明 日に胸を躍らせるペトロナス・ツイン・タワー。高さ四五〇メートル、八八階建てのこの高層イスラム建築は世界でもトップクラスの高さを誇っている成長する経済。バウンドする若者たちのカルチャー…マレーシアは、今、世界で最 も元気な国だ二〇二〇年、この国が先進国入りした時、クアラ・ルンプールは、私たちにどんな表 情を見せてくれるのだろうか…

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

what's next

Fortunately, I don't know the answer, because if I did, that would take half the fun out of it.
This much I do know: it won't be the same.
I've spent the first 5 years of my working life building, accumulating, and accomplishing things that many said could not be done. The biggest challenge I see over the next twenty years is to figure out some creative ways to give back some of what I've gotten.
I don't just mean money, although that's part of it. It's easy to be generouswhen you've got a lot, and anyone who does, should be. But what I admire most are people who put themselves directly on the line. I've never been terribly interested in why people give, because their motivation is rarely what it seems to be, and it's almost never pure altruism. To me, what matters is the doing, and giving time is far more valuable than just giving money.
In my life, there are two things I've found I'm very good at: overcoming obstacles and motivating good people to do their best work. One of the challenges ahead is how to use those skills as successfully in the service of other as I've done, up to now, on my own behalf.
Don't get me wrong . I also plan to keep making deals, big deals, and right around the clock.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Dior Homme is the best

2005's Christmas

so happy because I have a good Christmas this year....
i get my second piece of Dior Homme's jean....
1 of my dream on 2006 have come true...
but is not enough for me because I have 9 more dreams to achive...
i think i can do it....i have confidence...confidence is my power....
for these few years, without confidence and belief, i think i cannot living in other countries like Singapore and Japan...
you can is the words that always in my mind....
this is my present for you all who read my blog...(you can)
Merry Christmas....

Dior Homme's Jean for my Christmas

Monday, December 19, 2005

2006's Dream....

to everybody that reading my blog:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....

what are your plan for the next coming year??

my plan for the coming year are:

1. go back to KL on 16 of February for 25 days.

2. 42 units on my first year studies and scholarship

3. my second piece of Dior Homme's Jeans.

4. Dior Homme's sunglasses

5. save money

6. UK trip to visit my friends in London.

7. have a great birthday's party in Paris.

8. Italy trip to see my favorite Rome.

9. be rich

10. 美しく生きていこう

Friday, December 16, 2005



everything that appearing in this world, will be look different by everybody.
your heart judge the image that you have see, touch and feel.
maybe the people , thing and a object that you judge will be different from mine.

WWD Japan and Hedi Slimane

WWD Japan : Please tell us your thoughts between fashion and music.

Hedi Slimane : There can't be a stronger connection, as both define a time, and street culture. I only work through music. I am mostly commenting on evolution of music and a generation point of view.

Hedi Slimane was born in Paris.He is Dior Homme's creative director since 2000 ( the year that Dior Homme established.)

2005-2006 autumn and winter collection ' Everybody Just Looks The Same'

Friday, December 02, 2005

Toni & Guy party

Toni & Guy's party...
cool models and hairstyle...
I want to thank you Toni & Guy because always keep me update for my hairstyle...
and my hair stylist miss Yonegawa, she always make special hairstyle for me...and my girl friend too, she introduce me to Tony & Guy

snap shot in Roppongi Station

snap shot in Roppongi Station...with my Karl Largafield's look...
I like Fashion...and I like mix and match...
sometime it is not mean fashionable when you are wearing strange clothes....
fashionable is how to dress your clothes cool....

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